by Emily | Nov 1, 2021 | Blog, Events, News, Posts, Shine a Light on Women's Inequalities, Switch on to Women's Safety
On Monday 18th October, the Women Friendly Leeds team, joined by partners, supporters and guests, came together to celebrate the end of our second year in action. We celebrated the work we have done together through our campaigns and beyond to make Leeds the first...
by Emily | Oct 25, 2021 | Blog, News, Posts, Switch on to Women's Safety
The Leeds Women’s Safety Survey was carried out in May 2021 and 1,371 women of all ages, and from all parts of the city, took part. The findings provide a powerful insight into their experience of feeling and being safe in the city. They show that despite heightened...
by Emily | Sep 14, 2021 | Blog, News, Shine a Light on Women's Inequalities, Switch on to Women's Safety
Agenda and notes 17:15 – Welcome and Intros. 17:30 – Updates Shining a Light campaign – updates of the 4 strands of the campaign. Employability – Recruitment toolkit has been devised with input from Mindful Employer and WYCA but we will be looking to do consultation...
by Emily | Aug 19, 2021 | Blog, News
Vocal Girls is an essential part of the Women Friendly Leeds movement, which was founded through a UN initiative to make Leeds the first Women Friendly City in the UK. As a Hub, we aim to make Leeds a better city for ALL girls and young women to live in by ensuring...
by Emily | Jul 13, 2021 | Blog, News, Uncategorized
Ambassadors met online on the 8th July to discuss updates to the agenda to make Leeds the first Women Friendly City in the UK. They also shared their feelings, thoughts and ideas around the campaign and general wellbeing issues for women in Leeds. Agenda and notes...
by Emily | Jun 25, 2021 | Blog, News, Shine a Light on Women's Inequalities, Voice and Influence
At our last team meeting with Leeds Women’s Aid, we asked the team to share their ideas on how Leeds could be a safer, friendlier place for women. We received a whole host of exciting, thoughtful suggestions for women-friendly initiatives, including free transport...