Switch on to Women’s SafeTy
Women’s safety concerns are a constant reality and the solution has to involve us all. Take a look below to find out how you can support our campaign.
Safety Survey
Thank you to all who completed our safety survey. The results will be ready to share with you soon. Please watch this space for more updates.
Shape Our Campaign
To help shape and inform our campaign on a more direct level, you can sign up to be an Ambassador. To find out more about what this role entails, click the button below.
Campaign Materials
Our campaign materials, designed with one of our Ambassadors, are available here to download. Please feel free to use these when sharing information about our campaign and publicising our safety survey.
Support our Campaign
To support our campaign, you can sign up to be an Ally. To find out more about what this role entails, click the button below.
Organisations that can Support with Sexual Violence and Harassment
If you have been affected by sexual violence, assault and/or harassment, there are places that can help. Here is a short list of organisations in Leeds and nationally that can provide support:
- SARSVL – Support After Rape and Sexual Violence for all women and girls in Leeds – 0808 802 3344 / website
- Leeds Women’s Aid – Providing support for women and families in Leeds who are victims of domestic, sexual and honour based violence and abuse, forced marriage, trafficking, stalking and harrassment – 0113 246 0401 / website
- Leeds Domestic Violence Service – Providing support for people of all genders who are victims of domestic violence and abuse in Leeds – 0113 246 0401 / website
- Women’s Lives Leeds Service Directory – Visit the service directory to find more organisations that might be able to offer support in Leeds and the surrounding areas – website
- National Domestic Abuse 24 hour Helpline – 0808 2000 247 / website
- Rape Crisis England and Wales – 0808 802 9999 / website
- GALOP – LGBTQ+ anti-violence charity, including support for sexual violence, domestic violence, hate crime, and more – 0800 999 5428 / website
- Victim Support – Support for anyone affected by crime or supporting someone affected by crime – 0808 1689 111 / website
- Childline – Support for children and young people under the age of 19 for any issue they are going through – 0800 1111 / website
West Yorkshire Police Responses to VAWG Community Questions
West Yorkshire Police Respond to VAWG Community QuestionsFollowing on from the Women Friendly Leeds Police Q&A and art exhibition, where we gave Women the platform to speak to power, Detective Superintendent Vanessa Rolfe (WYP) has now responded to the community...
Speak Up! On Women’s Safety
Learn more about our Women’s Safety Q&A with Superintendent Vanessa Rolfe and how we are using art to Speak Up! on safety. See what the West Yorkshire Police are doing to support their new VAWG strategy in Leeds.
Women Friendly Hubs Together Event
On Thursday 28th July Women Friendly Leeds members came together to celebrate our wonderful hubs. At Women Friendly Leeds we have a number of different hubs cater to different women’s issues, such as the culturally diverse women’s hub, the ambassadors and the...
Pride at Leeds
Pride at Leeds Celebrating Our Rights and a Day of Spotting Women Friendly Leeds! This year’s Pride celebration and parade took place on Sunday 7th August for all to attend. Women Friendly Leeds could not attend this year in an official capacity but if you looked...
Celebrating the End of our Second Year
On Monday 18th October, the Women Friendly Leeds team, joined by partners, supporters and guests, came together to celebrate the end of our second year in action. We celebrated the work we have done together through our campaigns and beyond to make Leeds the first...
Leeds Women’s Safety Survey
The Leeds Women’s Safety Survey was carried out in May 2021 and 1,371 women of all ages, and from all parts of the city, took part. The findings provide a powerful insight into their experience of feeling and being safe in the city. They show that despite heightened...
Ambassadors’ Network Meeting 4 Minutes – 2nd September
Agenda and notes 17:15 – Welcome and Intros. 17:30 – Updates Shining a Light campaign – updates of the 4 strands of the campaign. Employability – Recruitment toolkit has been devised with input from Mindful Employer and WYCA but we will be looking to do consultation...
Talking Safety Initiatives in Leeds with Sarah Carroll
Our most recent Friday Hub on June 11th aimed to inform women about existing safety initiatives happening in Leeds. Safety initiatives aim to help us feel safer in our city, as well as materially improving safety, but the effectiveness of such processes partly rely on...