Women friendly Leeds blog

On Friday 29th September we’ll be holding a street parade to celebrate the launch of Leeds specific features on the WalkSafe app!

We’ve been working in collaboration with the Safer Leeds City Centre partnership to create app features on the WalkSafe app that will help you to be safe and feel safe, out about in Leeds.

WalkSafe has a number of ways you can safely plan and share your journeys and  location only with your trusted friends that you choose. In Leeds we are highlighting our Ask For Angela Venues, and live tracking of on street support such as (Women’s Night Safe Space, Street Marshalls, City Liaison Officers), showing taxi ranks and other transport hubs. There are community reporting tools such as; reporting street lights that are not working or if an area feeling unsafe, reporting tools coming soon for reporting hate crime, sexual harassment and cat calling. Many of the functionalities of the app have been developed and designed implementing recommendations from Women Friendly Leeds Safety Survey 2021 and the Safer Leeds City Centre Partnership working.

To celebrate the launch we’ll be holding a street parade on Greek Street at 6pm on Friday 29th September. Bringing the culture of music and movement to our launch is 15 2nd year and Level 3 BTEC dancers who are representing Explosive @ Leeds City College. Explosive have performed at major events around the UK such as Move It, Breakin Convention and AOC Championships since starting in 2016. Explosive runs as a weekly extra-curricular class at Quarry Hill Campus and is currently made up of around 50 students from across Level 1, 2 and 3 BTEC Dance, Musical Theatre and Acting pathways within the Performing Arts Department. The dancers are here to give you all the power of strutting safe with the confidence of Beyoncé and accompanied by music from Deadbeat brass band to give your strut with WalkSafe some swag!

Join us on Greek Street at 6pm and find out more about how you can #BeSafeFeelSafe with the WalkSafe App!The image reads 'Join us for our street parade to celebrate the release of walksafe leeds, 6pm at Greek Street on Friday 29th September

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