Women friendly Leeds blog

In our communities, Islamophobia is a daily occurrence for Muslims. We know that Muslim women are disproportionately targeted in Islamophobic attacks but we don’t see or hear their voices. From the streets and now to print, Shantona present the stories of British Muslim women’s experiences of Islamophobia as told by them. Curated by Shantona Women’s & Family centre, the charity that supports those women, children and their families to thrive, this collection of 17 British Muslim women’s words uncovers those stories that are silenced in our communities. Ranging from topics like every day living, health care, schooling and much more, we hear from doctors, mothers, charity workers, prisoners, teachers and many other Muslim women of their daily experiences with Islamophobia. Alongside these stories, see beautiful illustrations by local Muslim artist, Jum Faruq.

Hear as well, Shantona’s recommendations for change in this book. It is everybody’s responsibility to stand up and Say No to Islamophobia, not just Muslims, and to show our society that these attitudes and behaviours are not acceptable. So, we are asking you to call out Islamophobia every time you hear it, see it and sense it, whether that is at your workplace, in the supermarket, at the bus queue or even in your own home. One way to help is to buy our book to contribute to Shantona’s work. We have a range of prices for the book and you can see these below:

Standard book price: £20.50
Standard book price + £5.00 donation: £25.50
Standard book price + pay forward 1 book: £30.00
Discounted price: £10.00

-Standard price covers all our costs for creating and printing the book, as well paying a fair wage to all the Muslim women’s work who contributed to the book’s creation.
-Standard price + £5 donation will help us make a profit off the book and funnel this into our local work at Shantona Women’s & Family Centre.
-Pay forward 1 book covers the extra £10 that allows us to give a discounted price of £10 for those who may not have the funds to buy the book at standard price.
– Discounted price is for anyone who would like to read the book but does not have the funds to buy the book at standard price. We don’t believe money should be an issue when discussing such important topics. If this still feels like too much, please get in touch with admin [!at] shantona.co.uk and we can work together to see what we can do!

All funds made from the book go directly into funding Shantona Women & Family Centre and its activities.

About Shantona Women’s & Family Centre:
Shantona Women’s & Family Centre is an award-winning charity based in Leeds, working with BAMER communities and families in Harehills, to create the best outcomes for their lives. We have extensive experience working in, for and by the community since our inception in 1998 by local Bangladeshi women who saw that inequality wasn’t good enough, and wanted to support the local community. Since then, we support over 1500 women, girls and family members every year to build their independence and resilience in the face of domestic violence, child sexual exploitation, ill mental and physical health, isolation and Islamophobia. We’re proud that we’re run by women who are from the community we serve and we know there is much more still to come.

Other things you can do to combat Islamophobia:
-Sign up to our #ISayNotoIslamophobia Campaign here and share it with others: https://www.shantona.co.uk/view/say-no-to-islamophobia
-Watch our Islamophobia Untold Stories short film here and share it with others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E69xv09tthI

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